

We improve the welfare of the present population without compromising the quality of life of future generations

In REBASA we are committed to making products manufacturing a profitable and sustainable activity, based on principles of Environmental Protection, Safety and Health (PPASS) and on Legality:


We are committed to operate and maintain MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH, promoting responsible behavior to prevent injuries and illnesses of our staff as well as damage to equipment and facilities.


Through a strategy of optimizing resources and operating based on a MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION we commit ourselves to respect the environment for the benefit of our staff and the community.


In REBASA we are committed to the communities where we operate, so we deliver material to public areas such as gravel, lime, hydrated lime; we do various celebrations that involve the community as Children's Day, Holidays, among others.


Furthermore we deliver trees to the Ministry of Environment of Coahuila, as part of the commitments on environmental compensation.

Part of the wastewater generated by the operation of the plant is subject to treatment processes for recycling for irrigation of green areas in our own facilities.

We conducted reforestation in areas surrounding our plants and in areas where mining activities are conducted, and the rescue and relocation of wild flora registered in some category of protection according to the Environmental Standard NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010


We are committed to a comprehensive regulatory compliance in relevant areas, through active participation at all levels of the organization.

The company's commitment is to provide the resources to which this Policy is implemented under the principle of continuous improvement, favoring the welfare and development of our staff as well as the interests of shareholders, suppliers, authorities and community without exception.

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